Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.
For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods.
Psalm 95:1-3 (NIV)

President's Report
Hello all,
Well August 21st was the Huntsville Hamfest, many of you from here didn't go this year, and I think you made a good choice. With the rising numbers of the C-19 Delta variant infections, myself personally had decided not to make the trip. Maybe next year, if a " new" variant doesn't arise we can get the chance to go and enjoy the fellowship.
The scheduled MS ARES SET was canceled due to Hurricane Ida making landfall. Thankfully the storm somewhat weakened after it came ashore before making its entry into MIssissippi. The ARES group passed several messages from the state of Louisiana in the early hours and a few more messages on Monday.
On another note our packet net is starting to come together. We had two check-ins the other night. When we start having regular check-ins then we can start training on some of the forms used in passing traffic and how to use them.
See you at the meeting at Checkerboard, come join us at 9am, meeting at 10am
Charles Grisham, KB5SZJ

Next MARC Business Meeting
The next business meeting will be held at the Checker Board Restaurant on Saturday, September 4th beginning at 10 A.M. Come join us around
9 A.M. for breakfast, coffee and fellowship.

Digital Note
300 Baud HF Packet is alive and well on 40 and 20 meters.
For more info contact:

Getting Started in Neighborhood Ham Watch
Neighborhood Ham Watch is a service program designed to support local neighborhood associations and community relief organizations. Through this program, there is considerable opportunity for radio clubs and individuals to support their local community in time of emergency. The idea is to provide both neighborhood and mobile gateways between community relief volunteers working in the field using basic two-way radio technologies and the more advanced capabilities of the Amateur Radio Service.
In the event of a widespread cellular outage, individual radio amateurs, local radio clubs, and emergency communications organization may wish to activate the National SOS Radio Network plan. This plan incorporates radio amateurs monitoring FRS Channel One for emergency requests from neighborhood citizens. The radio amateur then provides connectivity to emergency services as needed and, when necessary, distributes information on local relief services in response to inquiries. This program also serves a secondary purpose by providing a rich source of situational awareness data for local emergency management.
National SOS Radio Network
Visit this link for more information

Quote of the Month
September is the month of maturity; the heaped basket and the garnered sheaf. It is the month of climax and completion. September! I never tire of turning it over and over in my mind. It has warmth, depth and colour. It glows like old amber. – Patience Strong (1951). “The Glory of the Garden"
Have a BLESSED month!