As he looked up, Jesus
saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple
treasury. He also saw a poor widow put in two very small
copper coins. "I tell you the truth," he said, "this poor
widow has put in more than all the others. All these
people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out
of her poverty put in all she had to live on." Luke
Excerpted from Compton's
Interactive Bible NIV We had a good time at the
Jackson Hamfest. Met lots of people and good fellowship.
We carried some equipment over and didnt have to
bring all of it back. Saw a lot of you over there. Bet
Memphis hamfest will be as good even though I wont
get to go. Hope all that want to can. Winter is still
with us, but we can be proud the weather has been pretty
good for us lately.
Hope all can be at March
business meeting, where I will talk about the "Airport
Instrument Landing System". Will bring back old memories
for me.
See you on
2ND. Have a good
73's CP W5OQY
Hope all of you are
having a good month. The February business meeting was
presided by yours truly due to the absence of CP that
weekend. The meeting was short and the attendance was
rather small. I would love to have more in
attendance for our March business meeting. CP has
announced that he will be giving a talk on the
Airport Instrument Landing System.
This will be informative with CPs
plus years of service with the
FAA. The meeting
begins at 10 AM at the Magnolia Queen City Truck Stop
Restaurant located on North Frontage Road Airport Exit.
Looking forward to seeing you
As voted on and approved
during our January business meeting, I have acquired a
domain name for the MARC web site. Finding our club web
site is now as simple as typing
in your browsers address bar. Please note, this can be
UPPER or lower case letters. Recently I reorganized the
entire site to make it easier for you to navigate and
find information. A CALL SIGN lookup feature provided by
has also been added. Your input - articles, suggestions,
pictures, anything related to HAM radio that you think
will benefit the clubs presence on the World Wide
Web would be greatly appreciated.
StratoNet for hosting our web site. StratoNet offers a
discount to all members of the Meridian Amateur Radio
Club. In addition they now offer NEW local access
numbers to many locations throughout the United States
and Canada.
Visit their web site at Please contact W5MAV for
an application. Have a GREAT DAY
everyday! May God bless each of you.
73, Darrell, W5MAV
I thank all of you that
have paid their dues for the new year. We have had
several more folks since last months report take care of
this very important detail. With membership support thus
far, our club insurance has now been paid. Many
Please bring your 2002
dues to the Queen City Truck stop on Saturday mornings or
mail them to the address below. Have a great month! 73,
MARC Home Phone: (601)
679-5668 February 18, 2002
To: Supporters of these
Amateur Radio Repeaters Dear Supporters of the
Lauderdale Repeater Group,
Again a big "THANK YOU"
goes to each one of you for all the support that you have
given to LRG now for almost five years. Ever since the
146.970 repeater first went up on the Q-101 tower in
1997, moving it to the Marion water tower in 1998 and
placing the 444.500 repeater on the air early in the
summer of 1999, a little time and a lot of expense has
gone into building and getting these repeaters up and
In 1997 it took
approximately $1625.00 to put 97 on the Q-101 tower. This
included the cost of the repeater, duplexer, antenna,
feed line, climber and misc. cables and connectors. When
we had to relocate in the fall of 1998, it took approx.
$825.00 to get it back on the air. This included
insurance, donation to Marion Fire Dept. ($100), new dual
band antenna, amp, climber, battery charger and misc.
cables and connectors.
Early in the summer of
1999 the 444.500/R was put on the air. In the latter part
of that summer a Doug Hall 2 meter linking system was
purchased and added to this UHF repeater. It has taken
again approx. $1220.00 to get this system
A little over a year ago
a different machine was placed on 146.970. This machine
is working great. Even though it didnt cost as much
as a new repeater it did take roughly $330.00 dollars to
get it on the air. $90 fer the radio, $20 fer the cable,
$160 fer the controller and $60 fer the decoder board.
Also a few months ago a
hamtronics VHF TX exciter board was installed at a cost
of $200. As of this letter being written a new Astron 35
amp power supply ($150) is on the way. The Astron 20 just
will not quite tote the load. A steady draw of 16-17 amps
is just to much fer it.
Recently the controller
and Doug Hall RB-1 from the UHF 444.500/rptr has been put
on the VHF 146.970/Rptr allowing linking to different
repeaters. There was not enough people with 440
capabilities to utilize the link in bad WX conditions.
Now more people will be able to take advantage of this
WE are not begging ,
BUT!!! the annual insurance rate of $325.00 is due and
again I would like to make a contribution to the Marion
Fire Dept. to let the City of Marion know how much we
appreciate them allowing us to use the water tower as a
repeater site. Again this year we will split the cost of
the insurance with the Meridian Amateur Radio Club. Each
group will pay $162.50 each towards one policy to cover
each group and keep us from sending in $650.00 for two
separate policies.
As we speak we have a
spare VHF repeater w/ controller ready to go on the air
if the one in use goes down.
Hopefully by the end of
this year we will have another rptr up and going either
on the Newton/Lauderdale County line at 900 ft above sea
level or in the northwest part of Lauderdale County
between 1000-1200 ft above sea level. Rest assured that
we will try. All it takes is a lot of effort and a little
Many thanks to the HAMS
that has supported LRG in the past. If you feel like you
would like to continue to support LRG thru the year 2002,
contributions can be mailed to the address in above
letterhead. If you know of someone who would want out
help please ask them to do so.
Tnx and 73 to each of
you, Have a
great month
Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 SoftKey Multimedia
Presidents Comments
Click on Nationwide Areas.
c/o Debbie Hover
11785 Nancy Drive
Collinsville, MS 39325
146.970- ki5fw/R (pl 100hz) 444.500+ w5lrg/R
Dennis Carpenter KI5FW