Matthew 6:9-13 --- “This, then, is how you should pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. (NIV)

President's Report
Hello all, Field Day 2024 is just around the corner and it will be the main discussion for this Saturday's meeting. I hope that all that want to participate will be at the meeting to discuss what and when it will take place. Remember we can have as many stations as we like and they don't all have to operate at the same time, so if you would like to operate for a little while but not the whole time then come on down and get on the list. I'm going to leave the rest of the Field Day conversation for this Saturday 9am at the Queen City Truck Stop. Meeting starts around 10am but the rag chewing will start at 9am, we'll see you there.
73' KB5SZJ Charles

Next MARC Business Meeting
The next business meeting will be held in the side room at the Queen City Truck Stop from 9am until... on Saturday June 1st. Come join us for breakfast, coffee, and fellowship.

May 18, 2024 MARC test session results: Two candidates showed up and both passed their test!
Carl Richardson K5CIR took his Amateur Extra test and PASSED
Daniel McKiever KK5ICF a General Class (Expired) took his Tech class test to get his General Class active again and PASSED
New test dates:
July 20, 2024
Sept 21, 2024
Nov 16, 2024
Test at 10:00AM at Lauderdale County Emergency Management building. 2525 14th street in Meridian, Ms. Picture ID and a FRN number is Mandatory. Contact Eldon Richardson, W4IOS at Cell phone: (601) 227-6690 for additional information!
73’s Eldon Richardson, W4IOS

ARRL Field Day 2024
Saturday and Sunday June 22-23 Meridian Amateur Radio Club will be participating in summer field day. This is a nationwide event. MARC will operate from the Collinsville Fire and Rescue building located at 11710 Nancy Dr, Collinsville, MS. Setup will begin approximately 10:00am Saturday June 22.
We ask that you bring your friends and family out to learn about the hobby. Some of the things you can expect to see are the info table, multiple operators, media coverage, and an instructional table. Kids are welcome. Hopefully we can ignite a spark in them, so ham radio can be enjoyed for generations to come. We hope to see you all there.
As an added note: KI5HCM aka Buford will be our acting safety officer. I have no doubt he will keep us all safe. I look forward to seeing you all at field day, until then...

Collinsville Day
Collinsville Day is an annual event on the first Saturday of May, conducted jointly by the Collinsville Fire and Rescue department and the local Community Club. Meridian Amateur Radio Club was invited to have a part in this event. MARC attended and demonstrated amateur radio operations to those attending, as a hobby and as a means of communication in emergencies. In issuing the invitation to be a part of Collinsville Day, Collinsville Fire & Rescue gave recognition to MARC and amateur radio as having an important role in responding and assisting with the response of the numerous agencies faced with dealing with emergencies and disaster situations. They understand in such instances other means of communication are often not available or overwhelmed.
The members set up on the grounds of the CF&R fire house under a canopy with tables and banner. MARC members operated and made numerous contacts on VHF and HF bands with radio equipment in public view. Besides available electric power a battery power box was demonstrated to be reliable radio power in the absence of commercial power. Also present was a member’s pickup truck equipped with mobile radios. Visitors to the MARC table were given an explanation of amateur radio, some were familiar with ham radio through relatives or friends; ARRL handouts were given out and all were invited to our club meetings to learn more about our hobby. CF&R personnel stated that this year’s Collinsville Day was one of the best attended and most successful in many years.
Buford Rochester KI5HCM

In the photo (L-R) W4IOS, KI5HCM, KG5IAX, KB5SZJ, KI5ZLP, K5BHW and W5MAV (front).
Also present was KC5HPU, WB5BNV,

Atlantic Hurricane Season begins June 1st
The Atlantic Hurricane Season begins June 1 and continues through November 30, and a hurricane is one of the most dramatic, damaging and life-altering events that can occur in our state. Are you prepared?

Download The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency Hurricane Guide HERE
Download The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency Disaster Guide HERE

Field Day is ham radio's open house. Every June, more than 40,000 hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio's science, skill and service to our communities and our nation. It combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills all in a single event. Field Day has been an annual event since 1933, and remains the most popular event in ham radio.
The 2024 ARRL Field Day is June 22 and 23.
What is Field Day?