Proverbs 19:21-22 / Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails. What a person desires is unfailing love; better to be poor than a liar. (NIV)

President's Report
Hello all, This year's field day event went rather well considering that we have not held one for the last two years. C19 has kept alot of the Hams around the world from getting together and enjoying what we do best. This year we broke that barrier and came back together for a day of fun and learning. I know from the conversations I've had with other FD groups that the first hour was the worst. The static crashes on the band was in rare form, not to mention the heat and solar issues. All that aside we had some good contacts and enjoyed fellowship that we've not seen in a while.
We've almost got things in line for a tech class to begin, dates to be announced later. Packet traffic is up and the APRS system is back operating. We are hoping to have a digi for the APRS up soon that should cover most of Meridian. We have another class being planned and the dates will be announced later as well.
One of the things that we will be building is a 2M yagi on a low budget. Stay tuned for more details as they are released. The meeting for July is set for the 9th, so everyone can enjoy the 4th of July weekend and celebrate our Independence from tyranny our forfathers faced years ago. Please come join us on the 9th for fellowship and a small meeting.
73’s KB5SZJ

Next MARC Business Meeting
The next business meeting will be held at the Western Sizzlin Restaurant located on North Frontage Road on Saturday, July 9th beginning at 11 A.M. Come join us for some awesome sweet tea, lunch, and fellowship.
We will meet in the back room. Hope you can join us!

2022 ARRL Field Day Results
Congratulations to Buford, KI5HCM for making his first HF contact.
01. Field Day Call Used: W5FQ
02. Club Name: Meridian Amateur Radio Club
03. Number of Participants: 6
04. Number of transmitters in simultaneous operation:1
05. Entry Class:1F
06. Check all power sources used.
X Commercial X Battery
07. ARRL / RAC Section: MS
08. Total CW QSO's: 0 X 2 = Total CW QSO points: 0
09. Total Digital QSO's: 0 X 2 = Total Digital QSO points: 0
10. Total Phone QSO's: 15 X 1 = Total Phone QSO points:15
11. Total QSO points: 30
12. Power Multiplier
X 150 Watts or less =2
13. Power Multiplier: 2
14. Preliminary Total Score: 680
15. Bonus points claimed:
Media Publicity, Set-Up in Public Place, Information Table, Natural power QSOs completed, Site visit by served agency official, Submitted via the Web, Total Bonus Points Claimed: 650
Claimed: 15

1948 Field Day Broadcast
Some of you might like to take a brief trip into the past by listening to this 1948 radio broadcast covering ARRL field day. It runs about 14 minutes and it is quite entertaining. This broadcast was contained on an early broadcast "transcription disk" held in the archives of the Morse Telegraph Club. A link can be found here:
https://radio-relay. org/arrl-field-day-coverage-in-1948/
73, James Wades (WB8SIW)

World Games Special Event Station
BARC will be operating special event station W4G during the World Games event in Birmingham, Alabama.

Quote of the Month
Wood burns faster when you have to cut and chop it yourself. ~ Harrison Ford
Have a BLESSED month!