Deuteronomy 7:13 --- He will love you and bless you and increase your numbers. He will bless the fruit of your womb, the crops of your land—your grain, new wine and olive oil—the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks in the land he swore to your ancestors to give you. (NIV)

President's Report
Hello all. Here we are in 2022, so many changes this year. I hope this year finds you better than the last and may we all get together soon. Myself, I have decided to make a few changes this year and will share them at a later date. I hope to see everyone at the next meeting to discuss and plan for this year's changes within the group.
On another note, it looks as if the cold weather is finally here, so if you haven't prepared then now is the time to do so. Wrap your water pipes and make sure your lines that come into your house, whether they are water or power or coax. Remember if you can see light around it then bugs and other pests can use it as an entrance.
Till the meeting,
73's Charles, KB5SZJ

Next MARC Business Meeting
The next business meeting will be held at the Western Sizzlin Restaurant located on North Frontage Road on Saturday, January 8th beginning at 11 A.M. Come join us for some awesome sweet tea, lunch, and fellowship.
We will meet in the back room, so we can space ourselves a few feet apart. Hope you can join us!

Treasurer Report
Please bring your 2022 dues to the next meeting or mail them to the address below. Thank you for your support. Dues are:
- $23.00 per Year per Member
- $25.00 per Year for Family
- $15.00 per year if 65 or older
Meridian Amateur Radio Club
4887 Valley Rd
Meridian, MS 39302

HF Packet is alive and well!
While you are sitting, bored, waiting for Covid to do its thing and go away, why not try something new with your ham radio. Why not try this old technology... 300 Baud HF Packet. HF Packet is alive and well!
Two pieces of free, user friendly, software make getting on HF Packet very easy. Easyterm and Soundmodem.
Download at … http://uz7.ho.ha/packetradio.htm
Download and
Excellent YouTube’s by KK4DIV are at
Unlike most nets, which are usually once a day or even weekly, HF Packet is on 24/7. Contacts can be made on 40, 24/7, and on 20 and 80 when those bands are open.
The frequencies are:
3589, 7104, and
14105 all LSB
Give it a try.
Fred, WB5BNV

Happy New Year!
Wishing all of you a very healthy and blessed new year!
Life without purpose is barren indeed. There can't be a harvest unless you plant something. There can't be attainment unless there's a goal. And man's but a robot unless there's a soul.
If we send no ships out, no ships will come in. And unless there's a contest, nobody can win. For games can't be won unless they are played. And prayers can't be answered unless they are prayed.
So whatever is wrong with your life today You'll find a solution if you kneel down and pray. Not just for pleasure, enjoyment and health, Not just for honors and prestige and wealth,
But pray for a purpose to make life worth living and pray for the joy of unselfish giving. For great is your gladness and rich your reward, When you make your life's purpose the choice of the Lord.
-Author Unknown...

Extra Class Licensing Course
FYI: Free weekly, live, Extra Class Licensing course on Zoom beginning Thursday, January 20 through Thursday, March 31 (11 sessions). Sessions will start at 6:30, and run 3 hours.
These are the classes sponsored by the National Electronics Museum that we have been holding for years. Please publicize this with anyone you know that you think would be interested. Those wishing to sign up should email me at

Quote of the Month
"An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves."
- Bill Vaughn
Have a BLESSED month!