1 Corinthians 15:1-8 The Resurrection of Christ
Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.
For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born. (NIV)

President's Report
Good day all,
As we all know by now, the Corona virus has made an impact nationwide. It is my duty to cancel the Saturday mornings fellowship meetings until further notice. Also the monthly meeting for April will NOT be held unless the body would like to have it held on the repeater. This can be done as long as we all agree that this will be acceptable. We must all understand that this pandemic will only be overcome if we all work together to prevent it spreading. With this being said we will resume the meetings as soon as it is possible to do so safely.
Charles Grisham, KB5SZJ

Next MARC Business Meeting

East Mississippi Tailbone Amateur Radio Group
On March 24th and 25th, the E. M. T. A. R. G. participated, along with an ARES group in Oklahoma, in a COVID-19 communications exercise. The exercise, conducted by Radio Relay International (RRI) was designed to familiarize radio operators with the Operational Readiness and Situational Awareness message formats. A total of 17 OPRED and SITREP messages were originated by participants and sent to RRI in Michigan. Typical routing for a message was from Tulsa, OK, to Magnolia, AR, then to Brandon, MS using the existing BPQ BBS network. From Brandon, the messages were sent to Meridian and then to Vancleave, MS for entry into the RRI Digital Network. As message handling is what emergency communicators do during an emergency, this was an excellent exercise.
This message was sent from an amateur radio account. If you reply, be mindful that your reply will be subject to inspection by the public. If your reply contains prohibited content (profanity, personal or commercial business information, etc.) it may not reach its destination, and will endanger your correspondent's license. Ask your correspondent if you have any questions.

On-Line Courses Next Two Weeks
Hello Everyone:
With much of the US population stuck inside while engaged in "social distancing," Radio Relay International has decided to take advantage of this lull in economic activity to present some training classes for those interested in emergency communications preparedness and traffic handling. These classes are intended for beginners and those who are fairly new to the world of public service communications.
For this initial run, we will limit class size to 15 people in each class. This will allow us to gauge response and make adjustments to the class content and schedule if needed.
The two classes consist of:
RRI Training Class TR-002: "An Introduction to Professional Emergency Communications Preparedness."
This class covers:
* Basic disaster telecommunications theory.
* The application of various modes.
* The structure of the traffic system.
* The radiogram format and its network management data.
RRI Training Class TR-007: "Basic Radiotelephone Net Procedures." (prerequisite required: TR-002 above).
* The nature of radiotelephone nets.
* The ITU phonetic alphabet
* The prowords (and procedural phrases).
* Basic net procedures.
* Transmitting radiograms and radiogram-ICS213 messages.
* Practical exercises with student participation.
Two hours is allotted for each class, but time may vary somewhat depending on the amount of student participation.
Dates are:
Series One: March 31 and April 2 at 1630Z
Series Two: April 7 and April 9 at 1830Z
IT requirements:
Students will be attending a "go to meeting" video conference. A computer or laptop with both audio and video functions must be available.
Students should register at:
Once registered for either pair of classes, students will receive an e-mail with links to documents they should have available when attending the on-line class.
Please feel free to share this announcement with those who might have an interest in getting started in traffic handling or those who want to brush-up on their skills.
James Wades (WB8SIW), RRI National Emergency Communications Coordinator
Kate Hutton (K6HTN), RRI National Training Manager
Radio Relay International (W6RRI)
833-377-0722 x 700

Black Warrior Hamfest - POSTPONED
Black Warrior Hamfest · Due to COVID-19 concerns, the Black Warrior Hamfest will NOT take place on May 2nd, 2020 as originally planned. We are investigating an alternate date, but that will depend on our venue (a school), our vendors, and the COVID-19 status at that time. We'll post a follow-up as soon as we have more information.

Mobil Ham Fest CANCELED
Good Evening YLs and OMs:
This is an email I kept hoping I wouldn't have to write...
Due to the situation with the Coronavirus, your Board and officers have made the decision to cancel the 2020 edition of the Mobile Hamfest. In our view, that is the only responsible thing to do, not just to safeguard the health and safety of attendees, but to also preserve the club's financial well-being. Even if the virus and all the concern surrounding it disappeared in four weeks, it is quite unlikely we would get enough attendance to justify the monetary expense and expenditure of man-power involved in holding the event. People would still be scared of public gatherings like hamfests. Given the current conditions, your board had to be proactive and make the unanimous decision to cancel the event.
I know you are disappointed. I certainly am. The Mobile Hamfest is very important to me. The first time I attended it was sometime in the 1950s. Not only was that before I was licensed, it was probably before I could walk. My old man, W4SLJ (SK) would drag me and Mama to the wonderful Mobile Hamfest at the old National Guard Armory on Fulton Ridge Road every year. That and many other memories make the hamfest important to me, and if there were any way to successfully hold it this year, I would have been all for it, believe me.
What now? If you have questions about the above, and I'm sure you'll have some, just email or phone me. Anytime. Otherwise, my suggestion is that we regroup and focus our energy on Field Day, which will be coming up the last full weekend in June. Who knows what will happen next; these are crazy times. But I cannot help but believe we'll be able to hold Field Day this year--it's over two months away.
I don't know when we'll be able to be together in person as a club again, but we will hold an on-the-air (on two meters) meeting of the MARC on our usual Thursday night, the first Thursday in April as always. I'll be putting together an email with details on that for you shortly. Thanks to all of you who worked so hard on the hamfest, donated your time and money, and were so looking forward to it. I was too.
Rod Mollise W4NNF
Acting President
Mobile Amateur Radio Club

Quote of the Month
“A gush of bird-song, a patter of dew, A cloud, and a rainbow’s warning, Suddenly sunshine and perfect blue– An April day in the morning.” Harriet Prescott Spofford
Have a BLESSED month!