Final Exhortations
Philippians 4:4-7 / Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

President's Report
FD2019. You should have been there. Several hams gathered to make this year's event a success. We operated and fellowshiped after setting up two new antenna arrays. Next year we will hopefully have it a little more organized, but all an all it was a pretty good time. We should have the totals at the meeting. I know I'm curious to hear how many were made.
We have a lot going on in the upcoming months so jump in where you can and be a part of the ARES or MARC efforts. We can use some help, Elmers needed for mentors.
See you at the meeting on Saturday.
73's Charles Grisham,

Next MARC Business Meeting
The next business meeting will be held at the Checker Board Restaurant on Saturday, July 6th beginning at 10 A.M. Come join us for breakfast, coffee and fellowship.

Lauderdale Repeater Group w5LRG
146.970 - ki5fw/R (pl 100hz)
444.500 + w5LRG/R
145.410- no5c/R w/100hz tone access
GE to all: It is the time of year for both the Lauderdale Repeater Group and Meridian Amateur Radio Club to jointly pay for Liability Insurance to cover both groups and repeater sites. This year’s premium remains the same price of $325.00 for a one year policy. Both groups will pay half of the premium ($162.50 each). I urge everyone to help pay for this expense. If you use any one of / or both repeaters just remember these things do not stay on the air all by themselves. All donations will be greatly appreciated. Dennis NO5C
Contributions can be mailed to:
Lauderdale Repeater Group w5LRG
c/o: Dennis Carpenter
7760 Vanzyverden Road
Meridian, MS 39305

Notes from KK4QAM
I have changed the frequency on my VHF BBS to 145.010. I received a copy of the Spark Gap from the MARC and saw where some of their members were turning theirs on for the hurricane season. I emailed them and now I am connected to their network from MS, AR, OK, and MO. I have added an HF side to the BBS on 3.586 USB, dial frequency, running the Winmor protocol. It can be accessed by downloading RMS Express from and using a peer to peer (p2p) connection. VHF and HF BBS call sign is KK4QAM-1. On VHF, I have gotten a digipeater running on the lower antenna of the 08 tower(KK4QAM-9) The VHF side can be accessed by using Easytern and Soundmodem from the UZ7HO web page

AUGUST 10, 2019
The Shreveport Amateur Radio Association (SARA) is pleased to sponsor the 2019 Shreveport Hamfest. Browse the latest equipment from our featured vendors. Sell your used gear or find the perfect new or used equipment for your rig.
ADMISSION is $5.00. Raffle Tickets are $5.00 each or five for $20.00. Parking is free. Easy access. Hamfest Flyer.
The Hamfest offers great main prizes:
1st Prize, ICOM 7300 or $500 cash.
2nd Prize, Kenwood TS480SAT or $400 cash.
3rd Prize, Yaesu FT-2DR or $100 cash. and numerous door prizes.
Tune in on the 146.82 MHz (-600) SARA repeater. No tone. This frequency will be monitored to provide information or answer questions during the hamfest.

Huntsville Hamfest, August 17 & 18, 2019
The World's Friendliest Hamfest! Since 1954
Event Flyer
Location: Von Braun Center South Hall
700 Monroe St SW, Huntsville, AL 35801
Over $5000 in Main door prizes and over $2500 in hourly door prizes for 2019 This year we are honored to be the Host of 2019 ARRL Alabama State Convention
Hamfest Hours: We will be open to the public Sat, 9:00–4:30 PM and Sun, 9:00–3:00 PM. Admission: is $10, under 12 free.
Talk-in: Will be on the 146.94 repeater, 100Hz tone, and the backup in case of failure will be on the 145.33-, 100Hz tone, repeater

Quote of the Day
Every day we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stressed or offended. But what you're doing when you indulge these negative emotions is giving something outside yourself power over your happiness. You can choose to not let little things upset you. Joel Osteen
Have a great month