Proverbs 17:27-28 / “He that spareth his words hath knowledge; And he that is of a cool spirit is a man of understanding. Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise; When he shutteth his lips, he is esteemed as prudent.” ( ASV)

President's Report
Hello all,
Well field day has come and gone. Thanks to everyone that came out and supported us this year. We made several contacts, mostly digital and had a great time. Also we had several visitors stop by to see what it was all about. We operated all through the night this year and hopefully we have started making plans for next year. So if you didn’t get a chance to come out and work with us, then set your sights for the next event and come join us.
We are in need of a few more volunteers to step up and help with calling our Tuesday night net sessions. If we can get at least two more individuals willing to do this it will mean you will only have to call the net once a month.
I'm sure some of you have noticed a change in the repeater, we are working on it and trying to get some bugs worked out. I appreciate the ones out on the outer limits letting me know what you are able to do with it.
For those of you who knew Bill Robinson, (KB5ASR-SK) I would like to let you know, if you haven't heard, his brother Russell has passed away. I have sent word to Michael, his brother, from the club and myself with our condolences. I am not sure of the arrangements but I'm sure it will be posted on Michael's page on Facebook.
Please come join us at the Checkerboard for our meeting this Saturday. We will also discuss next months meeting schedule.
73's Charles Grisham KB5SZJ
KOP, GOD bless America

Next MARC Business Meeting
The next business meeting will be held at the Checker Board Restaurant on Saturday, July 7th beginning at 10 A.M. Come join us for breakfast, coffee and fellowship.

2018 Shreveport Hamfest
The Shreveport Amateur Radio Association (SARA) is pleased to sponsor the 2018 Shreveport Hamfest. Browse the latest equipment from our featured vendors. Sell your used gear or find the perfect new or used equipment for your rig.
ADMISSION is $5.00. Raffle Tickets are $5.00 each or five for $20.00. Parking is free. Easy access located in the Louisiana State Fairgrounds Agriculture Building.
The Hamfest offers great main prizes (1st Prize, Icom 7300; 2nd Prize, Yaesu FT-450D, 3rd Prize, Kenwood TM-281A) and numerous door prizes.

Quote of the Day
Be a people builder. Look for opportunities to encourage others to bring out the best in them.
Joel Osteen
Have a great month