Ham Classes
Only five operators attended our first training class, written message handling, on Saturday August 18th. The five that attended gained a huge amount of knowledge and received a free tablet of radiograms. Instructors Fred Gray (WB5BNV) and Mel Oubre (W5MLO) were very knowledgeable and did a very thorough job of explaining the dos and don’ts of message handling. The knowledge gained will be particularly helpful during any emergency situations that may arrive in our area. Thank you Mel and Fred for giving up your Saturday morning for training.
Unfortunately I have heard from WB5BNV that there has been no one respond to register for any of the other classes. Due to lack of interest, the Ham Radio Classes that were scheduled for the next few months, including the antenna class scheduled for September have all been canceled. One or more of the classes can be rescheduled if there is sufficient interest. If you have any interest in attending a training class, I want to encourage you to write to Billfred5@aol.com and let him know you would like for him to reschedule a class.
73, Darrell W5MAV
Section SET scheduled for October 27
At the section level Mississippi is much better prepared now for an emergency communications response than we were before Katrina. We now have two mutual aid tactical net activation Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) in place, one with Arkansas, Louisiana, and Tennessee (Delta Division) and one with Louisiana and South Texas. In addition, an MOU is in effect between the Magnolia Section Net and the Mississippi Section Phone Net to handle H/W traffic and overflow from the tactical net. Further, KB5W and WB5ZED/NF5P have established NTS H/W Guard Nets.
Because Katrina wiped out the 2005 SET and there wasn't much enthusiasm for a Post Katrina SET in 2006, local level ARES exercises have been rather hit and miss since our last SET in 2004. The only opportunity we have had to participate in an emergency response exercise was the very successful MEMA Hurricane Zora Exercise which was held in South Mississippi in May; however, this exercise focused on a wide area storm event as opposed to a local exercise. With this in mind, we will have a Section SET on October 27 focused on local ARES emergency response with the proviso that if we have a major hurricane in the interim then the SET will be cancelled.
The District Emergency Coordinators and Emergency Coordinators (DEC/ECs) will develop the local ARES exercise scenarios on a district or county basis such that the scenario is appropriate for the area. As you can see from the above approach the emphasis will be getting local DEC/ECs and ARES Members working with EOCs and served agencies. Broad SET planning guidance for DEC/EC/Asst. ECs including suggestions for local scenarios will be provided in early September.
ECs now is the time to advise EMA Directors and served agencies of the SET Date and to make sure your local ham community is aware of the upcoming exercise.
If you have any ideas for a scenario that is appropriate for your area, can be accomplished on a Saturday Morning, and will involve local agencies then contact your EC.
Best 73 de W5XX
ARRL Mississippi Section Section Manager:
Malcolm P. Keown, W5XX
Pearl River Amateur Radio Club
10 Wesley Drive, Poplarville, MS 39470
To Whom It May Concern:
The Pearl River Amateur Radio would like to invite any and all Amateur radio operators to our "Hamfest" "Junk in the Trunk" "Swapfest" coming up this December 8th, 2007, at Poplarville, MS. This is the Club's first attempt and the size will be dependant on your response. It will be at our local fairgrounds (indoors, with AC). There is plenty of room and the best concession there is. Tables will be $10.00 each.
This letter is a feeler to see what interest we may have. As with all new clubs, we would appreciate your putting out the word at your next meeting and responding by E-Mail of your interest. In the future, those that do respond will be sent more information (maps, table registration, places to stay, etc.).
My name is Jim WA5WRE, and I know there will be tons of equipment there, for I will have four tables myself. This will be what " Hamfest" use to be, for hams that are interested in ham radio. Any help that you or your Club may provide, will be much appreciated.
Thank You, James W. Searcy WA5WRE
Amateur Radio since Katrina
As you may have noticed, there have been a number of new hams coming out of the Gulf Cost area. That is no accident. There has been a lot of interest in Amateur Radio since Katrina, as you might imagine, and the hams in the area have been busy!
I had a talk with Ed Byrd, KA5VFU at the Huntsville Hamfest. Many of those interested in obtaining their ham license lost everything in the disaster and are struggling financially. Consequently, Ed has been helping out, spending money out of his own pocket, and has personally helped conduct classes and exam sessions for over 100 new candidates. They just started a new class of 15 last week and many of the previously licensed individuals now wish to upgrade!
Your Division Director, Henry, WD4Q, will be providing license manuals on a loan basis for those in less-than-desirable financial conditions. There is a way your club can help as well.
If you are not already involved in this effort, consider making a cash donation to the efforts of this team. It doesn't have to be much, and together we can make a difference. If you feel this is something your club would like to be a part of, just "take up a collection" at the next club meeting, and have the funds sent directly to Ed. He'll put it to good use. When you do, please email me and let me know the amount you sent so we can keep up with what's being sent and who is helping out.
Ed's contact information is:
Ed Byrd, KA5VFU
18316 Landon Road
Gulfport, MS 39503
(Home) 228-832-3249
(Cell) 228-323-2006
Call either Ed or myself if you have any questions. Thanks in advance and very 73,
Karl, WA5TMC
September is:
Thunderstorms and Lightning
In the United States lightning kills 300 people and injures 80 on average, each year. All thunderstorms produce lightning and all have the potential for danger. Those dangers can include tornadoes, strong winds, hail, wildfires and flash flooding, which is responsible for more fatalities than any other thunderstorm-related hazard.
Lightning's risk to individuals and property is increased because of its unpredictability. It often strikes outside of heavy rain and may occur as far as 10 miles away from any rainfall. Most lightning deaths and injuries occur when people are caught outdoors in the summer months during the afternoon and evening.
Preparing for a Thunderstorm and Lightning
- Familiarize yourself with the terms that are used to identify a thunderstorm hazard, including understanding the difference between a severe thunderstorm watch and a severe thunderstorm warning.
- A thunderstorm watch means there is a possibility of a thunderstorm in your area.
- A thunderstorm warning means a thunderstorm is occurring or will likely occur soon. If you are advised to take shelter do so immediately.
- Get an emergency supply kit
- Remove dead or rotting trees and branches that could fall and cause injury or damage during a severe thunderstorm.
- Use the 30/30 lightning safety rule. If you see lightning and you cannot count to 30 before hearing thunder, go indoors. Then stay indoors for 30 minutes after hearing the last clap of thunder.
- Visit NOAA Watch for more weather-related information.
Have a Thunderstorm Plan
- If a thunderstorm is likely in your area, postpone outdoor activities.
- Secure outdoor objects that could blow away or cause damage.
- Shutter windows and secure outside doors. If shutters are not available, close window blinds, shades, or curtains.
- Avoid showering or bathing during a thunderstorm. Plumbing and bathroom fixtures can conduct electricity.
- Watch for darkening skies, lightning, increasing winds.
- Listen to NOAA Weather Radio for information.
- Go quickly inside a home, building, or hard top automobile, if possible.
- If shelter is not available go to the lowest area nearby and make yourself the smallest target possible but do not lie flat on the ground.
- If on open water, get to land and shelter immediately.
- Things to avoid include:
- Tall, isolated tree in an open area.
- Hilltops, open fields, the beach, a boat on the water, isolated sheds or other small structures in open areas.
- Anything metal --- tractors, farm equipment, motorcycles, golf carts, golf clubs, and bicycles
Stay Informed
To be USEFUL, you MUST be READY.
To be TRAINED, you MUST plan AHEAD.
Prepared by Tom, K5WTH