Now to Abraham and his Seed were
the promises made. He does not say, Galatians 3:16 NKJV
Comments Good to see everyone Sat morning.
It has been a bad month for me. To the doctor once and to
the emergency room with a 3 day stay in the Hospital. But
I'm getting better every day now. Had severe stomach
Sorry to hear Wes and Howards
wives are real sick. Hope they have a speedy
Fish fry at Mel & Margies
on Saturday, April 13 beginning at 3 PM. Hope everyone
can come.
Next Business meeting will be 27
April at truck stop.
The Hamfest in Bhm will be the
first weekend in May. Hope all a good month and see you
on the airways.
73's CP W5OQY Vice
Presidents Comments During the March business meeting
CP did a nice job teaching us about the Airport
Instrument Landing System. Im sure all that
were in attendance learned a lot. Very interesting and
sophisticated stuff. Thanks CP.
CP has already mentioned that the
MARC Annual Fish Fry will be held this Saturday beginning
at 3 PM. Hope to see some faces that we have not been
seeing. You are all invited for food and fellowship.
Please call Mel at 485-7802 for directions and to see
what else needs to be furnished.
Please note that the Birmingham Ham
Fest is on May 4th and 5th, therefore the May meeting
will be held on April 27. Im pretty sure that Field
Day will dominate this meeting, so I hope we have a
better attendance than we had at this months
The clubs web site traffic
has picked up since we added the new domain name. Finding
our club web site is now as simple as typing
in your browsers address bar. Your input - articles,
suggestions, pictures, anything related to HAM radio that
you think will benefit the clubs presence on the
World Wide Web would be greatly appreciated.
Have a GREAT DAY everyday! May God
bless each of you.
73, Darrell - W5MAV Secretary
Report Minutes of April 6, 2002 business
1. Fish Fry to be held at Mel's the
evening of April 13th beginning at 3:00 P.M. The ladies
are to bring a dish. Also needed are paper plates,
napkins. Inquire on the repeater for any last minute
2. Motion made and carried
concerning Community Day at Bonita Lakes Mall. Plans are
pending April 20, 2002. Participation will depend on club
tables being set up outside for antennas and ac power.
Follow up will be announced on the Tuesday evening
2-meter net.
3. Motion made and failed for club
to donate $50 to Arno Mills (KC5BCO) to help defray costs
with the Pelahatchie repeater. Instead, the hat was
passed and club members donated $50 to give to Mr. Arno.
4. May 4, 2002 club business
meeting will be moved back to April 27, 2002 due to
Birmingham hamfest on May 4.
5. Motions were made and approved
to send flowers to Carolyn, wife of Wes Coombs (KC5OJS)
and to Virginia, wife of Howard Ward (W5UTL).
6. Proposal to operate special
event station for Jimmy Rodgers Memorial Festival on May
11 from the train in Highland Park was presented.
Arrangements are pending and will be discussed further at
April 27 meeting. Treasurer
Report We now have a total of 41 paid members. If you
would like a copy of the membership list please email Deb
or visit the club
web page.
Please bring your 2002 dues to the
Queen City Truck stop on Saturday mornings or mail them
to the address below. Have a great month! 73,
Meridian Amateur
Radio Club supports Lauderdale
County Agricultural Center Jonathan Mars is a young man that
is battling cancer. As everyone knows, medical bills in
general are expensive and for treatment of cancer are
phenomenal. Thus, the Jonathan Mars fund raiser. This was
the third year for Jonathan and the club was invited to
attend this years event.
Preparation started early Saturday
morning at 30 degrees. No not antenna angle, AIR
temperature. Not to worry though, as the unloading of the
tables , chairs, and equipment, not to mention the hot
biscuits 'n' sausage (compliments of N5JCG) things soon
warmed up. It really didn't take long to get set up and
start making contacts and greeting people. John Ziller
was the first to grab a contact on CW. It wasn't long
before he had several contacts and six different states.
We also made SSB contacts throughout the USA and even
made a contact with DL1CMB, a fellow amateur in Germany.
There were lots of activities and
food around. The sun was bright and the afternoon warmed
up considerably. We met new people and visited with old
friends. We may have sparked an old ham of 45 years in
ham radio to get back on the air after being off the air
for 10 years. Good deal huh? Mike, N5VWS took some real
nice pictures and a good time was had by all that
attended. There were 13 members and several visitors,
including K5UYP, Tom Wilson the 10 year absentee.
A special thanks for the folks that
helped with the antennas and equipment handling. N5ODV,
KB5ASR, KI5FW, KD5QIQ, and WD5HLD. The event would not
have happened without your help. KUDOS. Other members in
attendance were: WA5EE, W5MAV, KD5JYJ, KD5GWM ( and RYAN
), W5OQY, KD5PBJ, and KD5PBI. Total time of the event was
about 8 hours. It was good to see all that came by.
I would imagine our next event will
produce a much larger attendance as it will be our Annual
Fish Fry. Mmmmmmm Mmmmmmm can't hardly wait. Until next
time fellow amateurs this is N5JCG sayin' 73 'n' CUL
ditditditdahditdah SK )
Pictures can be found on the club web page at New Radio
Reprinted with
premission: by K5VVA
RADIO CLUB BULLETIN Doug Scallions, KD5FUO, and Bob
Ray, K5VVA, are starting a new radio club in Columbus.
This will be an exclusive group and only highly qualified
individuals need apply. All prospective members must pass
the qualifying test below. Give yourself 1 point for each
"No" answer.
1. Have you been to a club meeting
within the last year? No___ Yes____
2. Have you been to a hamfest
within the last year? No___ Yes____
3. Did you participate in Field Day
last year? No___ Yes____
4. If eligible, have you upgraded
your license within the last 1- 2 years? No___
5. Did you get out of the house and
provide communications during last year's storm
emergency? No__ Yes___
6. Did you attend last year's
Christmas Party? No___ Yes____
7. Have you attended at least one
of the Saturday morning breakfasts? No___Yes___
8. Do you receive at least one
nationally circulated ham radio related publication?
No___ Yes____
9. Have you ever served as an
officer in the LoCoARC or other area club? No_____
10. In the last year, have you
encouraged someone to become a ham or assisted him/her to
get a license or helped a new ham set up his/her station?
No___ Yes___ (This is a bonus question. Give yourself 3
points for a "no" answer.)
The name of this exclusive group is
"I Don't Care and I Ain't Doing Nothing". If your score
is 9 -12, you are club officer material. A score of 7-8
makes you a highly desirable candidate for club
membership. A score of 5-7 is marginal but acceptable.
Scores of 1-4 need not apply. W5LRG LAUDERDALE
REPEATER GROUP To: Supporters of these Amateur
Radio Repeaters Dear Supporters of the Lauderdale
Repeater Group,
Again a big "THANK YOU" goes to
each one of you for all the support that you have given
to LRG now for almost five years. Ever since the 146.970
repeater first went up on the Q-101 tower in 1997, moving
it to the Marion water tower in 1998 and placing the
444.500 repeater on the air early in the summer of 1999,
a little time and a lot of expense has gone into building
and getting these repeaters up and going.
In 1997 it took approximately
$1625.00 to put 97 on the Q-101 tower. This included the
cost of the repeater, duplexer, antenna, feed line,
climber and misc. cables and connectors. When we had to
relocate in the fall of 1998, it took approx. $825.00 to
get it back on the air. This included insurance, donation
to Marion Fire Dept. ($100), new dual band antenna, amp,
climber, battery charger and misc. cables and
Early in the summer of 1999 the
444.500/R was put on the air. In the latter part of that
summer a Doug Hall 2 meter linking system was purchased
and added to this UHF repeater. It has taken again
approx. $1220.00 to get this system operating.
A little over a year ago a
different machine was placed on 146.970. This machine is
working great. Even though it didnt cost as much as
a new repeater it did take roughly $330.00 dollars to get
it on the air. $90 fer the radio, $20 fer the cable, $160
fer the controller and $60 fer the decoder board.
Also a few months ago a hamtronics
VHF TX exciter board was installed at a cost of $200. As
of this letter being written a new Astron 35 amp power
supply ($150) is on the way. The Astron 20 just will not
quite tote the load. A steady draw of 16-17 amps is just
to much fer it.
Recently the controller and Doug
Hall RB-1 from the UHF 444.500/rptr has been put on the
VHF 146.970/Rptr allowing linking to different repeaters.
There was not enough people with 440 capabilities to
utilize the link in bad WX conditions. Now more people
will be able to take advantage of this feature.
WE are not begging , BUT!!! the
annual insurance rate of $325.00 is due and again I would
like to make a contribution to the Marion Fire Dept. to
let the City of Marion know how much we appreciate them
allowing us to use the water tower as a repeater site.
Again this year we will split the cost of the insurance
with the Meridian Amateur Radio Club. Each group will pay
$162.50 each towards one policy to cover each group and
keep us from sending in $650.00 for two separate
As we speak we have a spare VHF
repeater w/ controller ready to go on the air if the one
in use goes down.
Hopefully by the end of this year
we will have another rptr up and going either on the
Newton/Lauderdale County line at 900 ft above sea level
or in the northwest part of Lauderdale County between
1000-1200 ft above sea level. Rest assured that we will
try. All it takes is a lot of effort and a little
Many thanks to the HAMS that has
supported LRG in the past. If you feel like you would
like to continue to support LRG thru the year 2002,
contributions can be mailed to the address in above
letterhead. If you know of someone who would want out
help please ask them to do so.
Tnx and 73 to each of you, Alabama State
Convention 4-5 May
Contact: Have a
great month
March/April 2002
"And to seeds," as of many, but as of one, "And to your
Seed," who is Christ.
c/o Debbie Hover
11785 Nancy Drive
Collinsville, MS 39325
Johnathan Mars Benefit Fund Raiser
Highway 19 South, Meridian, MS
March 23, 2002
Home Phone: 601 679-5668
146.970- ki5fw/R (pl 100hz) 444.500+ w5lrg/R
Dennis Carpenter KI5FW
Birmingham ARC
Glenn Glass, KE4YZK
8368 Country Circle
Pinson, AL 35126
Phone: 205-681-5019