During the 13 March business meeting the voting members adopted a proposal to incorporate the WX group into the club as an ARES unit. This gives the WX group a better standing with agencies such as the NWS, LEMA, CEMA, and MEMA. Training and practice make the group more professional and affiliation with the ARES program gives the unit credibility. Having the ARES unit in the club costs nothing extra. All area amateur operators are encouraged to participate in the WX program. You DO NOT have to be a member of the Meridian Amateur Radio Club, ARRL or any other group to participate. I would like for you to become an Amateur Radio Emergency Services operator; however, it is not necessary. All you need to operate on this net is a Technician class license or higher, a radio that will operate on the frequencies we will use, and the desire to serve your community. Novice through Extra class operators can be members of the ARES unit. As a Novice class licensee you can operate outside your license class if a higher class control operator is available. You can also be of other service if you wish to donate your time. If you would like to be trained to function as a net control operator or storm spotter, please contact any officer of the Meridian Amateur Radio Club and they can direct you to the ARES coordinator. Jim WB5OCD Net Operations General Guidelines | Spotter Tips & Safety Facts | Lightning Safety | Modified: 05/01/2001 |