Jonah 2:8 / Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs. (NIV)

President Report
Testing, testing, is this thing on? I know some of you have been wondering when the W5FQ repeater would be fixed and back to working. Hopefully that will be soon, the parts are on the way and soon we will be calling a work session to move the repeater into its new home. Updates to the repeater are in the works, to find out more on this check out the W5FQ repeater on Tuesday nights during the net.
The W5FQ digi is working well and activity is picking up. Thanks to Gary White for helping get it back on the air and also for reanalyzing the antennas and feed lines. To learn more about packet and its important role Amateur radio communications come to the monthly meetings. One in the near future will have a display of packet radio in action. We will demonstrate packet with the use of Outpost packet software.
The swap fest was cancelled this year due to a lack of interest but we will plan to have one next year if the club so decides. We need to be more active in the community if we want more people to be interested in Ham radio.
See you at the meeting
73's Charles Grisham KB5SZJ
MARC President
Next MARC Business Meeting
The next business meeting will be held at the Checker Board Restaurant on Saturday, November 7th, 2015 beginning at 10 A.M. Come join us for breakfast, coffee and fellowship.
The magnolia radio intertie repeater is up. It is not linked to Jackson yet. Still working out issues.
Receive 443.200 tone 136.5
Transmit 448.200 tone 136.5
As you can see there are transmit and receive tones. Try to see if you can hit the repeater. Leake, Scott, and Smith counties probably will not be able to. There will be a linked repeater that will come up in Scott/Newton County. Please let me know if you can connect / hit the repeater. Email:
Best Regards,
John Bates, RN, CHEP, CHSP
Emergency Management Coordinator
Call sign KF5QLL

Lauderdale/Clarke County ECOM Update
While waiting for the Intertie network to be established, three hams in Lauderdale/Clarke County have developed their own "Intertie" network. On the air now are two HF Packet stations that have the capability of allowing one to cross from HF to VHF thereby providing long distance
(state wide) access to the local VHF network.
If anyone would like more information please contact:
WB5AKR, Larry at
KF5MWE, Gary, at
WB5BNV, Fred at
K5SDR to speak at CMARA
The Central Mississippi Amateur Radio Association ( is proud to announce that the founder of software-defined radio (SDR), Gerald F. Youngblood K5SDR, will be speaking in Brandon MS on November 30, 2015.
Youngblood is a native of Mississippi and founded the leading manufacturer of computer-based radio transceivers for both amateur and commercial sectors in 2003. His company, FlexRadio Systems, is located in Austin Texas where he serves as President & CEO of the privately-held corporation. Gerald holds the B. S. in Electrical Engineering from Mississippi State University.
His speech is entitled, "SDR - Changing Ham Radio Forever" with audience questions and media interviews afterwards. The presentation will be held at the Rankin County Extension Service Office / Emergency Operations Center located at 601 Marquette Road, Brandon, MS beginning at 7pm.
The public is invited and there is no charge. For more information, please contact CMSARA at 601-345-1654 or
ARRL Mississippi Section Section Manager:
Malcolm P Keown, W5XX

Results of ARRL Field Day 2015 now are available
These include the searchable scores database, the soapbox link, and the QST results article (PDF). A total of 2720 stations submitted entries for the June 27-28 event.
While propagation was on the sorry side for Field Day 2015, the number of contacts for this year’s event rose slightly over 2014 — a modest 1.1 percent — and the number of CW contacts account for all of that increase; phone and digital contact numbers dipped slightly in 2015. Nearly 1.3 million contacts were logged during FD 2015.
The number of logs received appears to be an all-time ARRL Field Day record. This year saw 35,369 participants, down slightly from 2014.
A total of 1247 entries claimed the broad classification of “A” (which includes generator, commercial, and alternate/battery powered entries). Joining that core group operating in temporary setups were an additional 315 Class B entries (one or two-person entries). This indicates that 58 percent of all Field Day 2015 participants in some way took to the field.

Quote of the Day
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again... if you still can't do it, you have wasted a lot of time on something YOU JUST CAN'T DO!" .... by Casey Key- 6 years old