Living Godly Lives in a Pagan Society / 1 Peter 2:11-12
Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul. Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. (NIV)
Next MARC Business Meeting
The next business meeting will be held at the Checker Board Restaurant on Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 beginning at 10 A.M. Come join us for breakfast, coffee and fellowship.
Planning for Field Day 2015 is well underway. We are on schedule for Field Day taking place on June 27-28 at the Knights of Columbus pavilion on Highway 19 North. We need your input to truly make this Field Day a big success. Our next business meeting is on Saturday, May 2nd and will be a good opportunity to discuss your thoughts and ideas.
Lauderdale Repeater Group w5LRG
146.970 - ki5fw/R (pl 100hz)
444.500 + w5LRG/R
GE to all: As some of you already know that it is the time of year for both the Lauderdale Repeater Group and Meridian Amateur Radio Club to jointly pay for Liability Insurance to cover both groups and repeater sites. This year’s premium remains the same price or $325.00 for a one year policy. Both groups will pay half of the premium ($162.50 each). I urge everyone to help pay for this expense. If you use any one of / or both repeaters just remember these things do not stay on the air all by themselves. All donations will be greatly appreciated. Dennis NO5C
Contributions can be mailed to:
Lauderdale Repeater Group w5LRG
c/o: Dennis Carpenter
7760 Vanzyverden Road
Meridian, MS 39305
What Would You Do?
By Dan Romanchik, KB6NU
For the past three or four years, I’ve been threatening to buy a new radio to replace my ICOM IC-746PRO. The IC-746PRO is a great rig, though, and I’ve had trouble pulling the trigger on a $3k – $5k or more purchase. The radio that I’ve had my eye on is the Elecraft K3. Without a doubt the K3 is a better rig than the 746PRO, and it's certainly worth the price that Elecraft is asking. The question I keep asking myself, though, is, “Am I going to have $5,000 more fun with a K3?”
To put it another way, the question is, assuming that I have a $5,000 budget to spend on amateur radio gear over the next year or two or three, what’s the best way to spend it? How can I maximize my purchases so that I have the most fun?
At this point, I think that I’ve decided not to buy that new rig and instead buy equipment that will help me make my own rigs. Some of the items that I have my eye on include:
* Aoyue 968A+ SMD Digital Hot Air Rework Station (I have actually already purchased this unit.)
* Rigol DS1102E 100MHz, Dual Channel, 1 GSa/s Digital Oscilloscope
* Rigol DSA815-TG Spectrum Analyzer
* A more professional workbench to replace the folding table that I'm currently using.
* Peaberry SDR V2 Kit
* More keys! I’d love to get a fancy Begali or N3ZN paddle, and the other day someone told me about the UR5CDX keys, which look like great deals.
Even if I purchased everything on this list, I'll have spent less than $5,000.
One consequence of going this route is that I'll have less time for operating. I'm betting (hoping?) that the extra time spent on tinkering will be just as much fun, or even more fun than I’m having now.
It also means that I’ll be going to Dayton with a much different mind set than I have the past couple of years. Instead of spending my time configuring the perfect K3 in my head, I'll be looking for kits and scouring the flea market looking for parts.
I may be over thinking this, but like most amateurs, I have a limited budget to spend on amateur radio. That being the case, making conscious decisions about how to spend that money should help me have more fun with ham radio, and that's the goal, isn't it?
What do you think? Is this the right way to go, or am I going to regret this decision? If you've made a similar decision, I'd love to hear from you.
When not making crucial decisions about his amateur radio career, you'll find KB6NU working on updates to his "No Nonsense" study guides, teaching one-day Tech classes, or blogging about amateur radio at
The Amateur's Code
1. The Amateur is Considerate... He never knowingly uses the air in such a way as to lessen the pleasure of others.
2. The Amateur is Loyal... He offers his loyalty, encouragement and support to his fellow radio amateurs, his local club and the American Radio Relay League, through which Amateur Radio is represented.
3. The Amateur is Progressive... He keeps his station abreast of science. It is well built and efficient. His operating practice is above reproach.
4. The Amateur is Friendly... Slow and patient sending when requested, friendly advice and counsel to the beginner, kindly assistance, cooperation and consideration for the interests of others; these are the marks of the amateur spirit.
5. The Amateur is Balanced... Radio is his hobby. He never allows it to interfere with any of the duties he owes to his home, his job, his school, or his community.
6. The Amateur is Patriotic... His knowledge and his station are always ready for the service of his country and his community.
The Code is as relevant today as when Paul M. Segal, W9EEA wrote it in 1928. Please think about how we can apply this both on and off the air.