Romans 12:10 / Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. (NIV)
Next MARC Business Meeting
The next business meeting will be held at the Checker Board Restaurant on Saturday, August 2nd, 2014 beginning at 10 A. M. Come join us for breakfast, coffee and fellowship.
AUGUST 9, 2014 - 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM At the Red Cross Building
805 Brook Hollow Drive, Shreveport, LA 71105
Vender and Flea Market Entree: 3:00 - 7:00 PM August 8th and 7:00 AM August 9th
For more information: e-mail:
W4DXCC DX and Contest Convention
The W4DXCC DX and Contest Convention is the South East's largest and best attended ham radio event for 10 years running. Located at the MainStay Suites in Pigeon Forge Tennessee September 26-27th. A full schedule of popular presenters speak on DX and Contest subjects throughout the main convention with prize drawings between presenters, drinks and snacks included. Major equipment manufacturers are on hand to demonstrate new products and answer your equipment questions face to face. A banquet rounds out the day where the grand prizes are drawn.
The Convention is just a short drive from Mississippi.
A full range of shopping for the family is located nearby along with water parks, go cart tracks and Dollywood for the kids. Bring the family for a wonderful weekend full of Fun.
Check out the WEB site for more details, filling fast, book early
We look forward to seeing you attend this year. Thank You in advance, 73
Dave Anderson, K4SV

ARRL support for clubs could use some improvement
Often, when you hear ARRL officials speak, they extol the virtues of amateur radio clubs, saying things like, "Clubs are the lifeblood of amateur radio." For example, Dale Williams, WA8EFK, in response to my e-mail congratulating him on his appointment as the new ARRL Great Lakes Division director, said that his "plans are to push to keep things local, club-related, and bottom-up driven."
Of course, that kind of set me off. When it comes to club support, the ARRL is more talk than action.
One example of this lack of support is that there hasn't been an issue of the ARRL Club News newsletter for years. Even so, if you log into the ARRL website and look at your e-mail subscriptions page, you'll see that it says that it's supposed to be a monthly newsletter.
I'll also note that the ARRL CEO Harold Kramer, WJ1B, left this particular newsletter off the list of available newsletters in his June QST column. I don't know who at HQ is responsible for producing this newsletter, but the fact that there hasn't been one for so long speaks volumes to me.
Another example is the club commission program. Under this program, clubs get a $15 commission when they sign up a new member. That's not bad, but the commission falls to only $2 for renewing members. According to a former treasurer of ARROW, my club here in Ann Arbor, MI, $2 just wasn't enough to make it worth his while to process renewals.
To be fair, it's not all bad news. The ARRL website does have a page with information on how to set up and run an active club
( The ARRL also has a club liability insurance program is a decent deal for clubs, but that program probably doesn't require much effort on the ARRL's part. The ARRL is also supposed to refer new hams to clubs, but I'm not sure exactly how they do that, and I don't think ARROW's gained any new members from this recently.
Let me ask you. Is your club getting the support it needs from the ARRL? If so, I'd like to hear about what you think they're doing right. If not, I'd like to know what you think they should be doing to help your club.
When he's not writing this column for club newsletters, Dan, KB6NU enjoys working CW on the HF bands and teaching ham radio classes. For more information about his operating activities and his "No-Nonsense" series of amateur radio license study guides, go to or e- mail
The Old Man: Rotten Damped Spark Stuff
Thought yall might like this old story. enjoy.
73, KF5QLL

For These Vets, Amateur Radio Remains Alive
Washington Wire - WSJ