Galatians 5:22-23. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (New International Version)
President’s Report
Hello to all and Happy New Year. I would like to thank everyone for your vote of confidence and allowing me to serve as your club president for another year. I hope this year will be more prosperous than last year and membership will pick up as well. If anyone has any events that the club may be interested in please bring them to either mine or the clubs attention. I also hope attendance will pick up for the monthly meetings as we have moved back to the first weekend of every month. Thank you all again and hope to see you at the meetings.
73, Charles Grisham, KB5SZJ
Next Business Meeting
The next business meeting will be held at the Checker Board Restaurant on Saturday, January 4, 2014 beginning at 10 A.M. Come join us for breakfast, coffee and fellowship.
Elections were held during the December meeting. New officers are listed below.
President: Charles Grisham, KB5SZJ
Vice President: Frank Buckley, KE5ETN
Secretary: Donna Harrison , KD5GWM
Treasurer: Debbie, KD5JYJ
Treasurer Report
It's that time again; Please bring your dues to the Checker Board Restaurant on Saturday mornings or mail them to the address below. Thank you for your support. Dues are:
- $23.00 per Year per Member
- $25.00 per Year for Family
- $15.00 per year if 65 or older
c/o Debbie Hover
11785 Nancy Drive
Collinsville, MS 39325
73, Debbie, KD5JYJ
Lauderdale Repeater Group w5LRG
146.970 - ki5fw/R (pl 100hz)
444.500 + w5LRG/R
GE to all: As some of you already know that it is the time of year for both the Lauderdale Repeater Group and Meridian Amateur Radio Club to jointly pay for Liability Insurance to cover both groups and repeater sites. This year’s premium remains the same price or $325.00 for a one year policy. Both groups will pay half of the premium ($162.50 each). I urge everyone to help pay for this expense. If you use any one of / or both repeaters just remember these things do not stay on the air all by themselves. All donations will be greatly appreciated. Dennis NO5C
Contributions can be mailed to:
Lauderdale Repeater Group w5LRG
c/o: Dennis Carpenter
7760 Vanzyverden Road
Meridian, MS 39305

Jackson Capital City Hamfest 2014
Date: January 24 & 25, 2014
Location: Mississippi Trade Mart on the Mississippi State Fairgrounds, 1200 Mississippi Street, Jackson, MS.
Talk-in: 146.16/76 (77Hz tone) Primary, 146.34/94 (100 Hz tone) Back-up
Hamfest Times: Friday 5:00PM - 8:00PM, Saturday 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Admission: $8.00/person one admission is good for both days.
Web site:
Special Guest: Mike Corey, KI1U
Protect your gear from ESD
By Dan Romanchik, KB6NU
Electrostatic discharge, or ESD for short, has been a concern for anyone involved in electronics ever since we made the transition from vacuum tubes to transistors. I was schooled about ESD when I worked as a test engineer for a company called Doric Scientific shortly after I got out of engineering school, and I wrote about it when I was an editor for Test&Measurement World magazine back in the 1990s. If anything, it's even more of a concern today as electronic components get ever smaller.
In 1991, Bryan P. Bergeron, NU1N, published a two-part series on ESD in QST.
part 1:
part 2:
His suggestions about how to prevent ESD damage are as good now as they were 20 years ago:
- Consider using a room humidifier to increase the relative humidity in your shack, or wherever you work on electronic equipment to 65% RH or higher.
- Use grounded wrist straps when handling ESD-sensitive devices.
- Use grounded, anti-ESD work mats when working on electronic equipment.
- Use a grounded soldering iron and anti-static tools.
- Use anti-static bags and containers for storing and transporting electronic equipment.
- Connect the chassis of all your gear to a good earth ground.
- Consider purchasing a desktop ionizer to neutralize static buildup on your workbench.
I might also add consider grounding the chairs that you use in your shack or discharging yourself after getting up from the chair in your shack. I know that the worst electrostatic discharges that I experience are after I get up from my chair. You can even buy ESD-safe chairs, but they are kind of expensive.
Personally, I use an anti-static mat that I originally purchased for use with a computer keyboard and a wrist strap that was given to me by an ESD consultant when I worked for the magazine. I use these religiously when building kits or working on any solid-state gear.
It's not hard to find anti-static products. Radio Shack sells a wrist strap for only $1.23 ( productId=2103245)! You can find a whole range of anti-static products on Amazon, too. Wherever you get them, they're a good investment.
When he's not worrying about ESD, Dan, KB6NU enjoys teaching amateur radio classes and working CW on the HF bands. For more information about his operating activities and his "No-Nonsense" series of amateur radio license study guides, go to KB6NU. Com or e-mail

One WTC Prepares for Station Tenants
Click Here for article

Discovering Amateur Radio
An introduction to Amateur Radio and the many possibilities it offers for learning, safety and security, and helping others throughout our world. Join us for this journey that takes us through a brief history of communications technology and then into the many exciting opportunities that the world of ham radio has to offer today. Approximately 32 minutes: Watch Video

Have a great month