A monthly publication of the Meridian Amateur Radio Club August 2013


 Bible Verse

John 17:15-17 / My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. (NIV)



President’s Report

Please welcome Scott (KL7SLM) and Shelly (KI6DES) McCormick to the Meridian area. Also was very happy to read the good news concerning KW5N and his rapid recovery from a stroke.

73, Charlie, KB5SZJ



Editors Note

I normally post Field Day results in the July newsletter. I am running behind on that project, but will do my best to get that ready for the web site and will plan on sending that to you under a separate mailing before the end of August. Hope you are having a great month. Do you have something to share with the club? Submit articles, ideas, reviews, anything to

73, Darrell, W5MAV



From ARRL Mississippi Section Section Manager

All ARES members, with or without conditions or restrictions, reply to me and I will compile a listing to send to Malcolm. Remember to visit Comments and suggestions are welcome via the link at the bottom of the we page.


Mississippi Hams are occasionally requested to provide emergency deployment communications assistance, most often during hurricane landfalls. These requests usually come out of the blue, and it is sometimes difficult to match up an EMCOMM requirement with Ham resources in the middle of a storm event.

In order to get a leg up on the late August/early September Hurricane window, it would be helpful to have a current list of hams, who could possibly deploy if a request was received. This might be anything from one ham with a two meter mobile rig up to an ARES Group with a fully equipped multi mode EMCOMM Trailer.

Many individuals and groups have significantly upgraded their EMCOMM capabilities in the last year, so my 2012 list is probably very much out of date. Please send me a brief note telling me about your current deployment capabilities, and I will compile a list of Mississippi Hams who can possibly assist in a emergency situation.

Note that this is not a commitment to undertake a deployment, it is just to make me aware that a capability exists such that we can possibly match up a capability with a request. Please give me your contact information.

Thanks and 73 de W5XX
ARRL Mississippi Section Section Manager


Lauderdale County EOC, WX5MEI, Field Day 2013 was a huge Success!

Results have been submitted via the web and supporting documentation has been mailed to ARRL.

We were able to prove to Lauderdale Emergency and Clarke County Emergency Management that ARES and Amateur Radio CAN deploy to less than desirable locations.

Both Directors spent a large portion of the FD with us.

Just a few quick facts..... During FD we used
60 gal of fuel
48 bottles of water
36 cans of soda
12 cheese danish
15 blueberry and banana nut muffins
32 single serving snack packs of various chips. (Doritos, Cheetos, Frito's, etc.)
18 Chic fillet sandwiches

No one got hurt! We made quite a few new friends, welcomed back a few inactive Hams, and heard a few interesting stories. Our farthest visitor was from El Paso, TX who saw our FD site as he crested the hill on 20/59 W coming into Meridian. He was in a Tractor-Trailor, turned around at the next exit and doubled back to visit with us.

We also had a family with 2 kids (11 and 8) that are from Hammond, LA. They shared their experience with us about how Ham radio helped get word out to their family during Ivan, Hugo, and Katrina.

Due to all of the positive comments, plans to include more served agencies are already underway for FD 2014. Thanks to all who participated in FD 2013

de AE5FE



LCARC Web Site

The Lauderdale-Clarke Counties Mississippi Amateur Radio Emergency Service Web page is up and online. Visit the site at

The site was designed to provide a reference to the Ham Community with emphasis on EmComm. We hope you will find this site useful and will help us build it by visiting and making suggestions for improvement. Please direct all comments to the Webmaster via the link at the bottom of the site page.

KF5MWE, Gary White, did the coding and worked out the bugs for us. Thanks Gary!


Introduction of the IC-7100

In 1995, almost two decades ago, Icom has changed the way hams think about mobile HF communication with their introduction of the IC-706. Since that time, the Icom Mobile HF radios have been the Performance HF mobile radio of choice. Now, at the 2012 Tokyo Hamfair, Icom has once again changed mobile HF communications with the introduction of the IC-7100.

Watch the YouTube video here:


Huntsville Hamfest / August 17 & 18, 2013

Now is the time to start making plans for the 2013 Huntsville Hamfest. Mark your calendar and plan to attend "The World's Friendliest Hamfest"!



Have a great month


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