Next Business Meeting
Next business meeting will be held at the Checker Board Restaurant on Saturday, April 3rd, 2010. Come join us for breakfast, coffee and fellowship.
Memphis FreeFest
Friends, As in the last several years we wanted to inform / remind you about the Memphis FreeFest. This year it will be held on Saturday April 10th from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. As always admission is FREE!
In the last 3 years we have raised over $7,500 for charity. Lots of prizes have been donated and we would love to again present a big check to those in need. Please let your clubs, friends, and anyone else that you talk to know about the event.
Link to the club web site with more information:
For more information:
Email or call Tony Brignole WA4KHN / (901) 372-2738
National Traffic System Messaging Basics
The Lauderdale-Clarke Counties ARES will be hosting a training seminar on 24 April 2010 at the Checkerboard Restaurant, South Frontage Rd., Meridian, MS. The subject of training will be National Traffic System (NTS) Messaging Basics.
Our speaker will be W5MLO, Mel Oubre. Mel is well know in MS for his Traffic Handling capabilities, as well as many other things to numerous to mention in this short space of time. The seminar will begin at 10:00am. Handouts will be provided that will cover basic as well as advanced NTS. This will be an ideal opportunity for all in the Amateur Radio Community to brush up on message handling as well as get those who have wanted to learn more about traffic handling get a good solid base for doing so.
The Checkerboard Restaurant has agreed to provide their Conference Room at no cost to us, so please help support them by joining us for breakfast at 9:00am (Buffet style or from the menu or by eating lunch at the Checkerboard Rest).
It is requested that you RSVP so that we have an idea as to how many handouts to prepare and to make sure we have enough seats available. Driving directions will be provided on RSVP confirmation.
Please contact Mel Oubre at or Rick Morefield at
73' and we look forward to seeing you there!
Richard Morefield, AE5FE
ARES EC Lauderdale-Clarke Counties, MS
Earl was born in Clarion Iowa 83 years ago on March 4th, 1927.
Earl's communications career began when he joined the U. S. Navy on his 17th birthday, the 4th of March 1944. During WWII Earl served on a number of ships, Destroyers primarily, and when the war ended he was sent to Greenland for 2 years. At the Greenland shore station Earl received his first amateur radio call, OX3BF, compliments of the Danish government. Earl entered amateur radio in a big way at the Greenland shore station. There were 13 high power HF transmitters and Earl could use any of them on the Amateur bands. These transmitters were also the source of heat for Earl's living quarters.
After Greenland, Earl was discharged for a short period of time. During this time he worked on a railroad in Iowa as a control tower operator. But the Navy decided they could not do without Earl's services. They called him back to active duty and finally Let him go after a total of 23 years service.
During Earl's second tour in the Navy, he was in charge of the Navy Radio Station on Bainbridge Island, WA., then served an instructor at the USNRTC in Colorado Springs, CO. Earl ended his naval career as the Radioman In Charge of Communications for the Admiral and Staff of COMSERVRON ONE out of San Diego, CA. While servicing on the COMSERVRON ONE staff, Earl was sent to Guam Island but was allowed to take His family on board the ship with him. This was a trip the kids still remember today.
The day after Earl was "Piped over the Side" (discharged from the Navy) he received a call from the American Radio Association (ARA). They needed radio operators for merchant ships. Thus began another 23 years of going to sea as a radio operator. On one of his merchant ship cruises to Vietnam, his wife Wauneta went with him. His ship was Subjected to rocket fire from the Vietcong and Wauneta hid from the rockets in the ships lifeboat. She said if the ship went down, she wanted to be the first one in the life boat!
The many amateur radio call signs held by Earl include OX3BF, W0IQP, W7PQT, W7PVS, K6TSQ, VQ9MG and finally K6MG. Earl is a Charter Member of the Quarter Century Wireless Association. Earl still uses a Vibroplex Bug for sending and sends flawless CW.
Next time you hear K6MG on the air, you will be hearing a true "OLDTIMER"
Fred W5VZK
Have a great month