Vice Presidents Comments
1. Turnout for the February 7, 2009 club meeting was the best seen in quite a few months. It was good to see everyone there and we hope all those that attended will be there often in the future.
2. The influx of new amateur radio operators in our area is a wonderful thing. Some of the new operators have experience in other areas of the radio services such as police or other emergency communications and it may take them some time to adjust to the ham way of doing things. Many of the new hams are teenagers or younger and will need the encouragement and guidance of more experienced individuals to ELMER them along. By using the proper radio discipline we show them the proper way to do things and they will emulate us. They will make mistakes so be patient with them. Remember, if we act bad they will follow our example and maybe even come to resent us.
I hope you will introduce yourselves and welcome these newcomers when you hear them sign on. Let them know you are there to assist them if they have questions. The 146.70 repeater in Meridian sits idle 95% of the time. Encourage them to use the repeater just as you would. They may discuss things other than what we talk about, but that is what this HOBBY is all about. As some of these youngsters get older and more experienced they may decide to get involved in some of our club projects or the emergency services aspect of amateur radio.
3. There are several new welcome additions to our VE's in Lauderdale, County. They are W4IOS, Eldon Richardson, extra class; W5BX, CP Crimm, extra class; and W5VZK, Fred Gray, extra class. Their increased participation in our amateur community is much appreciated. If you read this and are not sure if Russ, W5RB, has a good e-mail addresses or phone number for you, please get in contact with him so he can include you in communications for our test sessions.
4. The bent tower leg found on the LEMA tower was replaced and another stick was installed. The wall bracket was attached to the tower and now the tower is much safer. The tower as it sits is ready for the last two sticks to be installed. The bent section has been straightened and we hope to have the last two up before the end of the month.
5. Field Day will soon be upon us. Plan to attend, help out with the set-up and tear-down, and operate till you drop. Food and drinks will be provided and we usually eat around 1700 hrs. (5 pm for our guests). Jim/W5ED
Amateur Radio Class Set For Wiggins
WIGGINS – The Stone County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) Group is sponsoring a test session that will start at 9 A.M. on May 23. The Federal Communications Commission mandates a testing fee of $14. Anyone needing any further information about the testing session should contact Tim Purvis at (601) 528-1222.
The NATIONAL EMCOMM TRAFFIC SERVICE uses designated watch and calling frequencies. Public service amateur radio operators everywhere are invited to monitor these frequencies whenever possible. But when disasters or other incidents occur, emcomm operators are asked to warm up their radios and "light up" the NATIONAL EMCOMM TRAFFIC SERVICE..."24/7". Active operators know which bands are most likely to be "open" depending upon the time of day, season, etc.
During disasters and for other emergencies, the frequencies are "open nets". When traffic becomes heavy, they will become "command and control" frequencies with a net control station "triaging traffic" and directing stations with traffic to another (traffic) frequency. (At least 5 kHz away.) Proper net procedures are essential.
NETS does not maintain regular schedules and does not handle routine "make work" messages such as birthday greetings, "your license is about to expire", "book messages", etc. NETS is intended to supplement and fortify other networks by providing a vehicle for emcomm operators to originate, relay and deliver legal radio message traffic (I.e. - "first class mail") of any precedence, at any time, from and to anyone and anywhere--especially during disasters or other crises. NETS stations will cooperate and use other networks that are known to be capable of accurately and efficiently handling RADIOGRAMS.
All listed frequencies (except 60 meters) are nominal. Actual nets may be up or down as much as 20 kHz
• 1982 kHz
• 3911 kHz RADIO RESCUE (SSB and CW)
• 5332 kHz "Up" to other 60M channels as necessary. 50W maximum ERP. (Activated during actual incidents.)
• 7214 kHz
• 14280 kHz
• ALASKA ONLY: 5167.5 kHz (USB emergency traffic only)
• 1911 kHz
• 3540 kHz
• 3911 kHz RADIO RESCUE (SSB and CW)
• 7111 kHz
• 10119 kHz
• 14050 kHz
• ALASKA - 3540/7042/14050 kHz
• GULF STATES (LA, MS, TX, AL) - 7111 kHz 1100Z-2300Z / 3570 kHz 2300Z-1100Z
During EMERGENCIES: 7111 kHz daytime, 3570 kHz nighttime.
(Times approximate depending on band conditions and changes in sunrise/sunset.)
Frequencies listed may be on or near other established net frequencies.
As a matter of operating courtesy, always move up or down a few kHz to avoid QRM when a frequency is in use.
Have a great month